Frequently Asked Questions
We are sure that undermentioned you can find all the answers of your related FAQs. If still you have something to as from us, then feel free to ask us any time.

Search for products by entering the product name or keyword into the Search Bar at the top of any page. Try to enter a general description. The more keywords you use, the less products you will get in the results page. When you find a product you’re interested in, simply click the product name or the product image for more details.
You can edit or modify your order very easily. You can do so by clicking the cart icon. From there you can add an item or empty your cart.
You can change shipping address information by logging into your account in just few clicks.
We offer delivery within 3 – 4 days.

Currenlty the payment option is COD (Cash on Delivery).
COD order Refund amount will deposit to your Wallet Account and you can only use it for your next order.
Yes, delivery charges will be included in your invoice.

The items cannot be returned after 7 Days. However, there may be situations in which you were not able to return items, in such cases please contact our Customer Service Team or through the Contact Us page and file a complaint to us.
There will not be any returns, exchanges and refunds if you do not like the product after its purchase. There must be an issue in the product to be eligible for the return, exchange and refund which must be shown in the photos in the email.
Buyer Protection is a set of guarantees that enables buyers to shop with confidence on our website.
You are protected when:
The item you ordered did not arrive within the time promised by the seller.
The item you received was not as described.
The item you received that was assured to be genuine was fake.
Still have a question?
Feel free to contact us for any query or information. We will be more than happy to assist you.
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